Why You Should Write Down Your Goals


In case you wanted to know yet another thing I'm obsessed with, let me tell you about index card goals. 

Yes, I'm obsessed. I'm obsessed because they have helped me succeed in LA. That's why I teach it to you. 

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Erica Wernick
Why You Must Get Outside Your Comfort Zone

Staying inside your comfort zone can be totally crippling to your career. 

There are two ways this can really hurt your ability to achieve your dreams:

1) By completely staying inside your comfort zone and not even trying to get past it. These are the people who don't do anything to go after their dream because it's too scary or uncomfortable. 

2) By thinking you're taking action towards making your dream happen, but your actions are comfortable and you don't even realize. 

To avoid being one of these two people, ask yourself this:

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Erica Wernick
How to Break Into Your Dream Industry

When you dream about working some amazing job in a really competitive industry, it's a total buzz-kill when you don't have any connections to that industry. Right?

I mean, when your Mom's friend doesn't produce movies, or your cousin's roommate doesn't work at a record label, or your Uncle isn't the head of NBC, how on earth are you supposed to break in?

Those were my thoughts exactly, when I moved to LA from Philly with a HUGE dream of working in the film industry. I did not have a single connection. Zero.

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Erica Wernick
When Will the Heat Wave in Los Angeles End?

The heat wave in Los Angeles right now is out of control.

Everyone is uncomfortable. Everyone is complaining. 

Oh, and when I say "everyone", I'm including myself. For sure. 

In a city where the weather is usually fairly mild, and roughly the same every day, the people don't discuss the weather. 

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Erica Wernick
Where Should I live in Los Angeles?

Believe it or not, where you live in LA is a really big deal. 

No, not because people will judge you based on your location! (Although some people totally joke about 323 being a cooler area code than 818.) 

But because LA is SO spread out. You want to live near the places you will to be frequenting (like your job).

Oh, and the traffic. Yeah, that is real. Not an exaggeration. Basic rule of thumb: 8 miles will take you at least 30 minutes. Unless you’re driving at 4am. 

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Erica Wernick
How much money do you need to move to la?

That famous question. The one everyone wants to know the answer to, but is too scared to face.

I totally get it.

The fear is all-consuming,

I mean, you're so excited to go after your dreams.

You're so excited to move to LA, even though people keep telling you how much the traffic sucks. 

But how much is it actually going to cost? 

How much money do you really need in your bank account to make that move?

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Erica Wernick
What to Pack When You Move to L.A.

I've been getting this question a lot, so I thought it would make a great blog post! I know the struggle is real when trying to figure out what the hell to bring with you on this big move. 

One thing to keep in mind: you don't have to bring everything RIGHT NOW. You can bring the essentials and have other items shipped to you later. This will help you in the beginning because it can be quite difficult lugging all of your belongings around Los Angeles before you have a place to store everything. 

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Erica Wernick
Stop Making This Mistake....Please!

This was a tough one to share because I don't want to offend you, or upset you. But at the end of the day, it is my duty to help you find success in Los Angeles. Therefore, I HAD to share this with you. I truly believe in helping you, even if that includes pointing out mistakes you are making. I've had people point out mistakes I made in the past, and it was so helpful. I hope you find this helpful, too. And know that I still heart you so much!

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Erica Wernick
I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so....scared.

Today I took a trip down memory lane because why the hell not?

I keep like every email ever in my Gmail account, so I thought it would be fun to do a search for all emails sent the few weeks surrounding my move to Los Angeles. 

"Fun" turned out to be not so much. 

OH THE MEMORIES! Just seeing the subject lines of all my emails during that time brought old emotions flooding back. SCARED AS SHIT. ANXIETY, ANXIETY, ANXIETY. LONELY WITH ANOTHER DASH OF SCARED!

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Erica Wernick